An update
Testing. Testing. And even more testing.
That had been a lot of what’s been going on in our life lately. Our physical health has given out on us, with little to no warning…and we’re in the process of identifying exactly what all is contributing to it, so we can make it better…or at least easier.
We’re also in the midst of a bunch of testing for mental health stuff, bc a lot of things (job and insurance to name a couple) need stuff ruled out and otherwise identified by DOCTORS, rather than a therapist, even if that therapist has specialized with D.I.D. for a long time [Insert tired sigh]
Ontop of the testing, bc of our physical health, we haven’t been able to work as much…so financial stress has shot up through the roof. Our wife-system has also been dealing with a lot of resurfacing trauma, so between looking out for each other and dealing with all the chaos life had thrown our ways, we’ve been very very busy…and have basically been sleeping during any amount of free time.
Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. We also have been playing Minecraft together lately, and have a few worlds of varying difficulties that we’ve been working on together. And that’s been really nice.
I know they’re planning to back away from this site more to better work through their stuff, but our system really fricking misses posting on here more consistently. It definitely helps us, and I really want to get back into it.
[I feel like this happens with us a lot over our life…we get really consistent with a site like this, or emailing friends, and then we drop off a cliff when life hits us. And then we keep popping back every once in awhile, thinking we’ll be able to get back into things, but then life just keeps hitting us…so I don’t want to promise that we’ll be back to posting regularly…Definitely not right away. But we will continue to try, even if things take a long time]
We miss talking to all of y’all that we’ve chatted with in the past, and hope you all are taking care of yourselves. No matter how long are breaks from this site our, we’re sending y’all good vibes, and hope to catch up with you again.
Remember to take care of your meat suits, and know that you are loved
<3 Take care of yourselves and each other. The site will be here when you’re ready to come back. 😉
Take all the time y’all need to rest and recuperate <3 I’m so sorry y’all are going through some health and trauma troubles. I hope it gets better for you in the near future.