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stick figures journaling

I got diagnosed!!

   I was diagnosed (keeping it as an unofficial diagnosis for insurance purposes) with DID by my specialist yesterday. I’ve strongly suspected it for a lot of reasons I won’t go into now, for about 6 months and now it’s confirmed. I’ve been under evaluation for about 3 of those months. I’ve processed a large part of the big emotions already, not that that is a linear process anyway though. Denial is sneaky like that so I’m sure I’ll go back and forth on my validity in the days to come. 

   I’m grateful for this space even if no one reads what I write cause the world is a really scary place and I don’t feel as though I can talk about being a system safely with the hostility and fake claiming currently. I might come out as a system on my private Intstagram that only has 10 followers of my safest people but that’s it, but other than that I only have two people I can talk to about it. I am GREATLY looking forward to DID framed therapy however because man this is really hard to figure out alone. I’m still terrified and struggling but I feel validated knowing I was on the correct track.


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