• Marq

    December 27, 2024 at 6:11 am
    Level 1: Hatchling Tadpole

    I am so grateful to have found this discussion, because out of all the traumatic events in our past, THIS os the one which haunts us the most.

    It is the most difficult to approach and to unpack and it is also one of the earliest traumas we’ve identified as well as the most ongoing one. When we were first trying to figure things out and get diagnosed, our host at the time thought, “I can’t have DID, cuz nothing really that bad happened, and the worst thing was a singular event.” The SA was dismissed, because we were both kids, so it couldn’t be abuse. First we clung to that to ward off a DID diagnosis and then we wrestled with it to accept the diagnosis and feel valid. After that we couldn’t untangle how an abuser could also be a possible victim of another abuser in our family. And it all just is steeped in so much shame besides all the confusion that it feels nearly impossible to tackle even after several years of therapy and healing work post diagnosis.

    Reading these posts alone has been so validating and so relatable that I feel both like breaking down in tears and lighter or relieved as if I am about to step into another stage on the healing journey.

    I don’t have any answers on how to tackle this topic, but I do know that it is so important to just have it out there.

    Thank you everyone who shared.

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