DissociaBook Forums General Chat Opinions on EMDR Reply To: Opinions on EMDR

  • TraumatisedUnicorn

    December 18, 2022 at 3:34 am
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Our therapist left shortly after starting EMDR with us so we never really got to see any benefit from it and we found it quite destabilising, but that’s probably coz our therapist was rushing through things as she knew she was leaving in a couple of weeks (we didn’t know she was leaving at that point, we wouldn’t have agreed to start EMDR if we’d known.) The colleague she referred us to wasn’t trained in EMDR and left herself after 2 weeks, after discharging us from their specialist service. We tried to go through general mental health services to resume therapy and find someone who could do EMDR with us (since we’ve been told that’s the only thing that will work for us) and we came up empty handed so we got referred back to the specialists we were with, spent a year on a waiting list, and found out that they no longer have anyone at their service who’s trained in EMDR. All they could offer us was psychotherapy, which we tried for a while but we were really uncomfortable with our psychotherapist. We’ve been out of therapy for a year now and we’re struggling to figure out how to access the support we need

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