DissociaBook Forums General Chat If there was a pill to get rid of DID/OSDD, would you take it? Reply To: If there was a pill to get rid of DID/OSDD, would you take it?

  • Flusterette

    May 21, 2023 at 11:03 am
    Level 5: Froglet

    Man, toughie of a question.

    Who would I be if I wasn’t the way I am? If I just magically could be whole and healed? That’s the goal for me, but no pill has worked perfect for anything… depression, anxiety, somatic pain. I can’t imagine trusting a magic pill cure.

    It sucks to be at a point of psychologically-based disability due to trauma. But it’s part of my reality.

    I think having to deal with the process of healing is important, as much as I wish the healing journey was OVER already. I’d hate for that process to be neither here nor there; risk being called “treatment-resistant,” and just pill my way out of it.

    Interesting question, as I’m being forced to ascribe value to my issues to an extent. Very thought provoking.

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