About the Cafe

Who We Are

The Electric Circus (@t-e-c) runs the cafe. We were diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder in 1994. We don’t claim to be experts on DID, but after 30 years as a known system, we have a perspective that we find lacking in many places, both online and off.

We started blogging in early 2021 after receiving some bad health news. We found blogging so beneficial to our growth that in 2022 we decided to share an ad-free platform with the entire dissociative community. (Also, we’re old and don’t use TikTok. Get off our lawn.) That same year, we also started the Dissociative Wiki to help combat misinformation.

We’ve been lucky to have been assisted by @Anomalous (wiki article author, Discord moderator) and @braiDID (wiki article author, wiki editor emeritus) in the past. We’re currently assisted by our good friend @erikajeankruger (wiki article author, wiki editor, Discord moderator). All of us are systems.

We’ve also been privileged to have people write blog entries, post on the forums, and hang out on Discord. We value your contributions and thank you for trusting us with your stories. While we may run the cafe, it wouldn’t be a community without you.

Who We’re Not

We are not mental health professionals. We cannot diagnose or treat you. If you are in crisis, please try one of the hotlines listed on the wiki or call your local emergency services. While we try to support our peers, we are not trained or equipped to respond to major mental health crises. We are not your emergency therapists.

Why We’re Here 

We’re here to create an inclusive, welcoming, supportive community of dissociative adults and their allies. We believe that we can support and learn from each other in ways that people who don’t deal with these disorders can. Sometimes that means talking about difficult issues. Sometimes it just means relaxing and enjoying the company of others who understand.

The cafe is open to all allies and dissociative adults, whether questioning or professionally diagnosed. While the content may be skewed towards the DID & OSDD end of the spectrum due to our own lived experience, the site is intended to be a place for anyone dealing with a dissociative disorder, system or not.

What We Charge

Nothing. There are no ads, and donations are not accepted. Please donate to your local food bank or animal shelter instead.

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