Any job advice for working in a retail position?
We are still looking to get a first job, probably at a book store, go figure.
Chances are that if we get one it will be within driving distance from our house which makes us uncomfortable. And, the potential of seeing people that we went to school with. *brurr*
Personally, I do not know how much of our “work personality” will be a stress response. And being overly-reliant on that Fawn response.
I imagine feeling exposed being out there talking with customers, customers who probably could care less about me, but being around a lot of people makes me unsafe.
Ooh, and the potential of having to work phone calls, do not have a lot of safety there.
Any advice will be helpful.
Especially with managing potential triggers and flashbacks at a work place that may not know that you have trauma. (We currently have no paperwork on us to verify our trauma, diagnoses and such, we think).
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