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Introjects are alters inspired by someone or something in the system’s life. Remember that alters often form in moments of high stress and trauma and that they initially form from the mind of a child. A child’s brain may not “come up with someone new.” It may not be that creative or original at that moment. Instead, it might think, “If I were my gym coach, I could get through this because they’re strong and can get through anything.” The new alter may have many similarities to the original or very few, but it’s an introject because there was a source that the brain was drawing from. Sources can also come from animals, media, mythology, television, history, family, etc.


Fictives come from fictional sources and can be any fictional character (i.e., a TV or movie character, a character from a book, a mythological creature, etc.).


Factives come from real sources, whether they are alive today or not. A factive can be an introject of an abuser, a friend, a teacher, a historical figure, a celebrity, etc.

Common Misconceptions

Misconception: Introjects are exact copies of their source. They are that person/character/being.

Reality: Introjects may feel very separate from and very different from their source. They may only have the same name, look the same internally, or have a similar characteristic. Often, introjects are reluctant to share their source if it’s something people might be familiar with. This is because while people will compare them to their source, they know they’re not similar.

Misconception: Introjects are always aware of their origin.

Reality: Introjects often do not know their source. If or when they realize that they are an introject, it can be a very difficult realization for them and can cause a lot of denial, self-doubt, self-hatred, internalized problems, and more.

Misconception: Introjects are unchanging or static.

Reality: Just because an alter may have had a connection to an external person or character at one point in time, doesn’t mean that they can’t change and evolve throughout their life and become someone unique through their lived experiences, just like anyone else.

For Allies

It is important to know that not all fictives and factives will feel comfortable telling you that they are an introject. When they do, they may not immediately feel comfortable telling you who they are an introject of. This is often due to a fear of being compared to their source. Some introjects may be very similar to their source, while others may be very different. Please don’t take it as an insult if this information is not shared with you. These people are their own individuals, and if or when they decide to share the details of their source with you is up to them and has nothing to do with you.


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