Welcome to the dissociative cafe! Forums General Chat Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)

  • Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)

    Posted by ASocietyofGhosts on December 13, 2022 at 4:05 pm

    Hope it’s alright for me to start this, I just thought it would be useful to have a general intro thread where people could say hi/introduce themselves, say a bit about their interests, that kind of thing!

    So what does your system spend time doing? Any fun or unique facts about you? Say hi here!

    Phoenix replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 23 Members · 53 Replies
  • 53 Replies
  • sharon.t-e-c

    December 13, 2022 at 5:06 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    Thank you for starting this, not only is it alright, its awesome. 😉

    I’m a member of T-E-C, the organizer of the Kiddo Korner and the one who came up with the coloring book idea. Big surprise, I work a lot with our system’s kiddos. When I have me time I like watching Netflix. I really want to watch season 2 of Warrior Nun, but haven’t had the time. Oh, and the Wednesday Addams thing too! I really want to watch that. Do you have any favorite shows?

    As for what our system does, we stare at computer screens all day. 😉

  • medeina

    December 13, 2022 at 7:21 pm
    Level 1: Hatchling Tadpole

    Hi. Thanks for starting this post.

    We are a newly diagnosed system.

    We’ve been having a Tolkien marathon this week. We’re watching return of the king today then the rings of power which we haven’t seen yet.

    We love Dungeons and dragons. We’ve been playing for about 7 years. Our comfort show is critical role.

    We keep an art journal and written journal to communicate.

    Hobbies include writing, we’ve had some short stories published and are working on a fantasy novel. We also collect musical instruments, cross stitch, cosplay, tarot, and reading. Our house is bursting with books.

    we’re happy to be here.

    • sharon.t-e-c

      December 13, 2022 at 10:37 pm
      Level 5: Froglet

      Happy to have you here, medeina! We still use a leather bound journal for really important or heavy stuff, or when we’re just not communicating well at all. It uses a combination of text and drawings. Our communication has gotten a lot better than it once was, but we still email each other sometimes. All the main players in the system actually have their own @t-e-c.org email address. And we have a special address that when you send a message to it, it hits all our inboxes. We use it for big announcements and stuff. It’s also the address the contact form on this site uses, so if you fill out the form it spams our entire system. 😉

      The best piece of tech we have is our apple watch. The iPhone is great, but its easier to keep track of the watch, because, like, its attached. And it can help find the phone, when its been left who knows where around the house. We have an online calendar, and the watch tells us where we need to be and what we need to be doing. Right now our bedtime reminder just went off. We’d be lost without our watch, phone, and email accounts. Its how we co-ordinate everything.

      Twenty years ago, we used to use whiteboards a lot, but that could be embarrassing if other people saw them. I like the email & online calendar system better. You’ll find your own groove and ways that your system can communicate. For a while we also had our own private Discord.

      We grew up with Tolkien and absolutely love those books. The movies are great too. I’ve heard mixed reviews on the amazon series – let us know what you think of it. Tolkien is basically our Harry Potter.

      We used to play D&D, but just don’t have the time anymore. And, COVID kind of killed getting together to play. Somewhere we have about 20 AD&D books, mostly 3.5 edition. (I’m sad to report our first edition dungeon masters and players guides were loaned to someone who “lost” them.) What edition do you like to play?

      Instead of D&D, we play Magic: The Gathering with friends online once in awhile. Our old roommate got us addicted to it. We have cards all over the place. My favorite deck to play is the total sneaky deck that looks ho hum and defensive… right until one of its infinite combos goes off and we end up with like a million life and tokens.

      That’s awesome that you’ve been published. Our house used to be bursting with books, now our iPad bursts with Kindle books, and we have a storage unit for the hard copies. Our eyes can be kind of wonky, so the iPad lets us adjust the font size to whatever works.

      Also, awesome on the Tarot. What deck is your favorite? I used the Robin Wood deck for years.

      And yes, I can talk your eyes off. Sorry for the long post, I’m just excited to have everyone here.

  • Luna

    December 14, 2022 at 1:21 am
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    My name is Luna(she/her, 27). I’m the host of our system.

    We really like gaming in our system, we play a lot of things like Sims, Final Fantasy, Genshin Impact. There’s a lot of other games, but I’m not gonna list them all(lol). We all have different preferences and gaming styles, which I personally think is pretty interesting. We had a lot of different gaming consoles growing up, so our games collection is pretty broad.

    Some of us enjoy reading. I have a lot of fantasy, romance, adventure, and manga up on my shelf. I enjoy writing, and have been writing and journaling for as far back as I can remember. I enjoy creating stories that are wholesome and slice-of-life. I’ve been in the process of developing a farming simulator game since about 2019, and it’s a project that I’m very passionate about and hoping to finish within the next few years.

    Three of us are practicing witches as far as I’m aware. I mainly work with herbal magic and astrology(mainly with the moon). I honestly feel like since I’ve started practicing that my healing journey has changed in a positive way.

    We were diagnosed(with DID) in mid-2020, and there’s still a lot that we don’t entirely understand or know about each other. We use an app on our phone to communicate with each other, which has helped a lot with bridging the gaps in our memory.

    My messages are open for anyone who wants to chat <3

    • sharon.t-e-c

      December 14, 2022 at 3:11 am
      Level 5: Froglet

      Merry Meet Luna! While I’m not the host of our system, I am pretty active. Janet, another T-E-C-ie, is our main gamer. She currently spends most of her gaming time in World of Warcraft WotLK Classic, and we have a deal worked out that she gets to raid at least one night a week. That doesn’t always happen, but we try. WoW is a huge positive trigger for her, so we’ve all agreed to login early on raid night to see if we can get Janet to pop up and enjoy her evening.

      Personally, I like RPG games for the story aspect. I have recently been enjoying Life is Strange: True Colors on the Xbox. Game pass is awesome. 😉

      I have a pretty decent anime collection on DVD, but its in boxes in our storage room right now. Have you ever seen Boogiepop Phantom? It’s a favorite of mine. I also love manga art, and have been known to order entire series of books straight from Japan, just for the art work.

      I spent over a decade as a practicing wiccan, and was an eternal freshman at wiccanseminary.edu for a few years. I came to the realization that I’m more generic pagan than wiccan, though. That’s where I am today. I believe that God has DID, and that’s why there are so many Gods and Goddesses. 😉 That’s also my answer for monotheism vs. polytheism. I guess you could say I believe in both? I spent a lot of my 20s in liberal Jewish communities, and even considered studying to become a rabbi at one point.

      What app do you use on your phone? Feel free to connect with me on the site if you’d like to message me directly.

      • Luna

        December 14, 2022 at 1:04 pm
        Level 6: Adult Frog

        We also play WoW, though we can’t always afford the monthly subscription. A lot of online games are positive triggers for another one of our parts, Maxi. I think she most likes the social aspect of them since she’s the most extroverted out of all of us. I really love the Life is Strange series, especially True Colors, I think it’s my favorite in the series.

        Maxi’s also one of our witches, and she originally started on the Wiccan path and was the first to become interested in witchcraft. She eventually realized it wasn’t for her and now she mainly works with Tarot(she uses the Smith-Waite deck) and divination and crystals. I started becoming interested in witchcraft as I was helping her in look into it. The only goddess I’ve worked with so far is Selene(Greek goddess of the moon) and I also do a bit of work with dragons. I grew up in a Christian household so I also believe in God, so I guess I’m in the same boat with polytheism and monotheism.

        We’ve been using Antar to communicate with each other. We’ve been using it since about March of this year and we think it’s the best app for communication that we’ve used. We have a widget on our screen that reminds us to check it every once in a while. We used to exclusively use a journal to communicate, but that was harder for maintaining communication and tracking switches, as we don’t really have it on us most of the time.

        • saoirse.t-e-c

          December 14, 2022 at 1:56 pm
          Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Hope you don’t mind me joining this conversation. I know Sharon works with Bast, but I primarily work with Set and Sekhmet. Yeah, kind of dark gods. I’m a reformed persecutor and not all sweetness and light. I carry a lot of the system’s anger, although I don’t show it most of the time. I try to use anger as a motivating force, but sometimes it kind of eats me up inside. I try to channel it into action and use it as an energy source. I’m not Left Hand Path, but I’m not strictly Right Hand either. I’m ambidextrous path. 😉 I don’t have the gift Sharon has with stuff like runes and tarot. I primarily do manifestation magick.

          Aaaaand, I should get back to work. I work remotely for a tech company. I r SMRT Enjiner.

  • Maris

    December 14, 2022 at 3:34 am
    Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    Hi I’m Maris (he/him) and the host of our system.

    We’re not officially diagnosed yet because it’s hard to find someone who knows about it and can diagnose us where I live but we’ve discovered we’re a system about 6 years ago.

    I just saw the tiktok from braididbunch and had to join it! We never really connected with other systems before so I’m very grad that this exists 🙂

    I like reading even if I don’t do it as often as I would like to and I recently I enjoyed drawing faces a lot and practising that. I also like playing the piano and the ukulele.

    We own 2 kitten and they are very cute so I also like just watching them doing silly things 🙂

    I also have a partner but we’re in a long distance relationship which sucks because we can’t see each other that often. But I really enjoy spending time with him too.

    I can’t think of anything else to say right now, usually I’m not very active in any forums or anything so this is new to me, I hope that’s okay.

    I’m open to chat if anyone wants to. 🙂

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      December 14, 2022 at 6:30 am
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome Maris! I understand about having it be hard to find the right professional. Heck, our current psychiatrist is 90+ minutes away, and our therapist is in an entirely different country! Zoom makes a lot of things possible that didn’t used to be.

      We were diagnosed 28 years ago, and at the time, no therapist/psychiatrist located in our small town would touch us with a 10 foot pole. We ended up driving 2 hours each way, once or twice a week, just to see someone who dealt with this stuff. I wish we had Zoom back then!!

      It’s totally OK to be as active (or not) as you want to be here. I think we may need kitten pictures, though. 😉

  • PrplPoppy

    December 14, 2022 at 6:13 am
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    We are the Puple Poppy System (PrplPoppy on our SM)… We are probably one of the oldest people on here, seeing that we have 4 adult children, the youngest being 20 years… and no teenage pregnancy.

    We found out about our System last year when we went through a traumatic event with our primary abuser, had a big life change, and our brain finally decided we didn’t have to live in survival mode anymore; all within the span of a few weeks. Well… WE knew about the System, the host didn’t. It took 364 days from our first therapy appointment with our therapist to our getting our Psychiatrist’s assessment results.

    We’re still very Switchy, so we get tired easy, but we like to crochet. It helps keep us grounded.

    What other grunging activity keeps you grounded?

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      December 14, 2022 at 6:45 am
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome PrplPoppy! We’re going to turn 48 in February, so we’re not exactly spring chickens either. Sometimes when viewing social media it seems like everyone is so young, but I’m sure there are a lot of us older folk around…

      Actually, 364 days is pretty good turn around. I saw somewhere recently while doing research that on average it takes 7 years for a system to get properly diagnosed. ☹

      What keeps me grounded is working on projects that I’m really into. This site is an example. My job is another, most of the time. Others in our system have other ways of dealing with things, but for me its all about having something to work on. It keeps my brain busy and occupied. I’ve had a lot of therapists recommend meditation over the years, but I’ve had mixed results. It can cause our more spiritual/mystical part to come forward, which is cool, but not if I then switch out for several hours.

  • kingslayer

    December 14, 2022 at 7:02 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    Hi, I’m Shadow (they/them, 20, host) and some Lizzie (she/her, 20, protector) co-con.

    In general, we love to listen to music and make playlists. We also like a lot of tv shows and we’re currently watching Lucifer, but some others we really like are Being Human, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and Hannibal (which we have a fictive of Hannibal and sort of fictive of Will who goes by Rigby in our system). Also Star Trek, Star Wars, and space operas in general!! Those are usually fun too.

    We also like comic books/comic-based stuff, especially the old Vertigo comics from DC. We’re super slow at getting through them. Reading is also just fun in general, but again, very slow at getting through anything.

    A lot of our time gets filled with trying to do homework for college though, lol.

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      December 15, 2022 at 8:14 am
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome! We listen to music pretty much constantly. What do you make your playlists in? We subscribe to Qobuz. What are you studying in college?

      • kingslayer

        December 15, 2022 at 1:35 pm
        Level 5: Froglet

        Usually, we make playlists on Spotify. I hadn’t ever heard of that one before now. And we’re studying anthropology, though we’re early on enough that we might change our major if we can decide on one we like a little better.

  • ChaoticTroop

    December 15, 2022 at 2:51 pm
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Time for our introduction.😈

    Hello, I got no idea who I am right now but I’m a member the Chaotic Troop. It’s been over a year? since we figured out about the system and working together to function. We’re mostly the creative type. We study litterature and we write and draw. We’re a pretty big system so we’re still trying to figure a lot about who we are. Our host really likes theater and anime. Oh and he really likes doll. We’re autistic and have ADHD.

    It’s nice to meet everyone

  • ASocietyofGhosts

    December 15, 2022 at 7:33 pm
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Occurs to me that I should toss something in here for us since we started the thread!

    We’re 25 and have been in the system community since 2011. We were dx’d DID in 2013 but haven’t had a consistent care team since then. We’ve known a lot of systems though, and lived with three others over the course of our adult life. We’re polyfragmented and fictive heavy, as well as physically disabled mobility aid users.

    We love animals v much, we breed companion pigeons on a very small scale and have cats as well.

    For a living we do art commissions of characters + d&d maps + etc and we make ears and tails for costumes/accessories as well as deco pacifiers, game + phone cases, etc.

    • Luna

      December 15, 2022 at 8:14 pm
      Level 6: Adult Frog

      aw, I love your little bird <3 what’s their name?

      I hope to one day run my own horse rescue, but I won’t be able to do something like that until the far future.

      • ASocietyofGhosts

        December 15, 2022 at 8:29 pm
        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        That’s Cassini (Cass), he’s my star boy and the dad of my best peeps yet! He’s a big dummy who I love so so so much. He’s an antwerp smerle breed :> Pigeons come in a lot of fancy types lol

        And I get you! if I could do more rescue I would but we have super limited space haha. We used to ride horses though, we miss them so much!

  • TraumatisedUnicorn

    December 17, 2022 at 6:24 am
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs


    I don’t really have my own name but you can call me Unicorn if you want! I’m the current host of our system and I use she/her pronouns. We enjoy art and baking but we have really low energy levels, limited mobility, chronic pain and a teeny tiny attention span so we struggle to do things as often as we’d like. One of us enjoys video games too but we don’t have anything to play any on at the moment. Most days we don’t really do anything but that sounds so boring. I hope this is okay for an introduction?

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      December 17, 2022 at 6:51 am
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome to the site, Unicorn! Sometimes just making it through the day is doing something, be kind to yourselves.

      • TraumatisedUnicorn

        December 17, 2022 at 6:53 am
        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        Thank you! That’s very true 🙂

  • Anomalous

    January 4, 2023 at 1:02 am
    Level 5: Froglet


    My name is Thomas Helferin, and I am the “moderator” so to speak, of our system. In our system, there is me, an ANP named Jim Lavoro, a little by the name of Jaiden Amatangelo, two EPs named Nicholas Procuror (though he would argue that he is very unemotional) and Monika Reshimost (who can be very emotional), and B. Amatangelo, the original to this body.

    Now, as to hobbies, we as a whole enjoy the game Terraria, we even went as far as becoming a part of the community development team for the game. As for me specifically, talking Psychology is what I enjoy most. Jaiden likes everything, he is a very curious child. Nicholas enjoys performing on the piano, as he has been playing for 14 years and has done a few performances in his time, and he is also a full-stack web developer of 5 years experience (not in the workforce, however, just as a hobby). Monika likes to sing, and also enjoys animals. Jim enjoys swing dancing and the outdoors, and B., well, his interests change day to day depending on what is most influential to him at the time.

    An interesting thing about our system, is that B. was not conscious to the matter of having DID until recently, when his Counselor told him that, out of the many clients he had seen, only 3 of them caused him concern for DID, and he is one of them.

  • ConfusedSoup

    January 10, 2023 at 4:31 am
    Level 5: Froglet

    uh im kinda shit at intros, but ill try. others have been lising members so.. uh yeah

    I’m Jay, i think im kinda stuck as host atm, hosted in the past when we were young. im kinda stuck arounf 19-22 atm, but our body is in its 40s.

    uh theres drake whos a dragon(and a dork), paper whos a ball of light or a fairy maybe(she was host before me), calli a.. whatever calli is(calli just fused from two others and i dont have good comunication with them yet, also kinda os a sassybitch but i love em), uh void ocean is outerspace, room is a room, Isaac is a 40year old dad(also a dork), Resa’s a 6ish year old who loves bunnies and skeletons and teeth, crow is somewhere between 2 and 4 i think and is super into the ‘i point at things and you tell me what it is and then i laugh’ game, smoke is going through some shit shes in flux atm but used to identify with the body i think, uuuh fuck who else…. someone who doesnt talk and doesnt have a name but texts alot, lofi who only appologizes profusly and panics(i wish i could help them better), and someone who cant see and wont talk i dunno it they can hear i have no comunication with them dunno anything about them… and thats all the known system i can remember atm. i feel there may be more i dont know about but thats a can of worms for later

    if any of the others want a better description they can reply to this post i guess. sorry intos make me nervous

    – Jay

    we’re here mostly to find some kind of comunity or solidarity or something, we dont use most social media and cant keep up with linear people very well.

    • ConfusedSoup

      January 10, 2023 at 4:43 am
      Level 5: Froglet

      So uh my ima do it first even though i did some above.

      im a 19 to 22ish year old guy whos skin does not match the body in ways i dont feel like geting into. my personal hobbies are gaming(mostly old school rpgs), crafting, watching crafting vids, writing a tiny bit, listening to music, being grumpy, and worldbuilding. really into vr atm too

      the others think im always mad or mean, but im not really. i get annoyed easy, but i kinda like being annoyed sometimes so its really not a big deal.

      im mostly hosting right now because i wanted a njob and no one else does, so im stuck doing it(i mean, fair enough), but then i get stuck humaning on our days off alot now too… so thats a thing.

      i dont really want to host, existence is tiring, but someones gotta i guess

      anyway thats my intro, sorry for rambling


      • saoirse.t-e-c

        January 11, 2023 at 2:59 am
        Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Hi Jay, I’m kind of in the same boat. I’m the one who wants to work the most in our system and who does most of the job duties. That used to be most of what I did. Then our old host decided to “retire” a few years ago, and suddenly I got stuck in that job too. I’m still adjusting to it and am not exactly enthusiastic about it, but no one else has stepped up. So, uh, congrats to me? 😛

        • ConfusedSoup

          January 12, 2023 at 3:11 am
          Level 5: Froglet

          wooo fuun involuntary host club lol T^T ;p


  • Flusterette

    February 3, 2023 at 1:15 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    Hi you can call me Fluster,<div>


    I’m 36 F from Ontario Canada, and I have a formal CPTSD diagnosis.

    I have believed for several years that I have OSDD-1b with a system of 9 Alters (all F) – of which I am Host.

    Between my own phobia of admitting to my plurality, and the difficulty to get a specialist to diagnose, I remain self-diagnosed for OSDD at this time.

    Luckily I have an incredible therapist I’m slooowly starting to open up to about my plurality.

    Mostly I’m here to learn more about getting to have a better relationship with my Alters, for the sake of understanding my System and Self.

    I have a lot of blankness in the area of identity in my life right now.

    I’m here also looking for a sense of community. Even just signing up here felt intimidating, but I’m excited to peruse topics and comment.

    My bio in my profile lists off things I like, but for short: mostly it’s things like art, nature, candles, philosophy, history, animals (I have 3 cats), psychology and self-development, my houseplant collection, and the odd bit of gaming on Steam (but not often, plus I’m not good at gaming anymore).

    Sending hugs to whoever reads all this,



    • saoirse.t-e-c

      February 4, 2023 at 8:41 am
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome to the .cafe Fluster! We’re happy to have you here. 😀

      • Flusterette

        February 4, 2023 at 9:08 am
        Level 5: Froglet

        Thanks! I’m hoping to pop in a bit at the zoom meet-up later today. See you then!!

  • GoddexxGrimes

    February 9, 2023 at 8:43 pm
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Haii, my name is Vreanna! I’m 25 and often confused 😅

    I’ve been working with my trauma therapist for several months now, and she suspects that I (we?) have DID. Formally, I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD already, which I assume will eventually change to CPTSD as myself & my mental health team are all aware that I’ve experienced multiple traumatizing events.

    I’m currently in the beginning stages of trying to recognize and reach out to other potential alters; so really I have no idea what’s going on, which is why I thought joining this site could be useful ~

    ADHD has given me a lot of interests, but I’ve struggled to maintain any hobbies recently due to my mental health being not great. Generally speaking, I enjoy writing, listening to music, learning random science facts, nerd shit, traveling, BDSM, anything to do with food, and hanging out with the homies (which is harder to do now that we’ve moved states). I spend most of my time hanging out with my husband, chatting with my partner and friends, and vibing (being mentally ill 💀).

    I look forward to learning more and hanging out 💛

    • Flusterette

      February 12, 2023 at 7:07 am
      Level 5: Froglet

      Welcome to you! I hear you on ADHD giving lots of interests – haha right on!

      Wishing you all the luck with your care team as you navigate the diagnostic process and the road of treatment.

      • GoddexxGrimes

        March 12, 2023 at 7:26 pm
        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        ADHD is such an experience 💀 and thank you! ~

    • math

      February 13, 2023 at 7:47 pm
      Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

      Hi, nice to meet you! I’m pretty early on in this journey too, having first ‘met’ one of my parts just under a year ago, and slowly working in therapy to unblend from my reactions, which I think will help identify others.

      I hear you on the hobby thing too, I feel like there’s so many things I want to try, but either can’t find the time after spacing out most of the day, or just having feelings of ‘what’s the point’ after having given up so many other hobbies when I lost interest or somehow tied them to shame.

      Also, I’m going to start using ‘vibing’ as a euphemism for ‘experiencing my mental health’ – that’s spot on 😅

      • GoddexxGrimes

        March 12, 2023 at 7:25 pm
        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        Nice to meet you too! ^-^ I feel you on that. I’ve been on this journey for less than a year and even though I’m (very slowly) making progress, it still feels like I’ve basically gotten nowhere. So far I’m always conscious and aware when different parts show up, so that’s helped a lot with learning and organizing, but oh geez do I still not know nearly enough lol

        YES! That’s exactly how I feel when it comes to different hobbies as well. I’m also awful about starting things and never finishing them. I’m just hoping that eventually I’ll fixate on something enough to actually do it instead of picking something up and then gently setting it back down one day, never to be touched again 😭

        lol! I’m glad my silly word usage could be of inspiration ~

  • math

    February 13, 2023 at 8:12 pm
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs


    I’m 33 and use he/they pronouns. I’ve been experiencing myself through a DID standpoint for about a year – it feels like I’ve made more progress in those 12 months than in the 9+ years of therapy previous, though we’ve still got a lot to figure out.

    I really enjoy running, and benefit from that in many ways, depending on the part. I like 10k and half marathons.

    I also really love music, I listen to a lot of skramz and hardcore, but also death metal, jazz, and hiphop – pretty much anything actually.

    My partner is a trauma therapist, which means I have pretty good resources available in terms of trauma books and techniques – I also work in that field and enjoy talking about integrating different modalities for healing.

    Feeling lots of things (as per) but primarily both nervous and hopeful about this forum as a place to connect 😊

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      February 19, 2023 at 5:28 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome to the site!! Music is one of our strongest positive triggers and anchors – we’d be lost without it. I’m kind of spacey right now, but I needed to say hi. 🙂

  • Headquarter.sys

    April 9, 2023 at 1:22 am
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Hi,not real sure if this forum is still active but ill try an intro anyways. We go by the headquarter system currently, and Im HQ, we are currently provisionally diagnosed as our understanding goes…or maybe officially, were not real sure. We also have schizoaffective, dyscalculia, generalized anxiety, and very possibly undiagnosed adhd. The body or structure as we call it, is Transfemme Non-binary and we use one/ones she/her or dude/dudes pronouns, pick your choosy. There are about 23? I think in our system? Were not good at counting us, whenever we do our dyscalculia kicks in and we lose track. We dont know if its from dyscalculia or trauma fog for sure though. We have a myriad of hobbies, currently we like emotional drawing, poetry, cats cradles, knots in general, tarot, and lots of reading. We also like to practice ukulele from time to time. We love collecting things as well. I am also a witch of a sort, and Rodger, a reformed persecutor is a dudeist that recently joined the priesthood if you could put it that way. Theres more but I wouldnt want to make an epic tome, ha.

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      April 11, 2023 at 6:07 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome! Glad to have you here. Hail from one non-binary to another. 😉

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