Welcome to the dissociative cafe! Forums General Chat Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)

  • Valley_System

    May 14, 2023 at 8:54 pm
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Hi we’re the valley system and most of us only became aware of our system almost 2 years ago. We are a large system but some of the hobbies many of us share are art, sewing, and toy collecting. We also like to post tik toks to share our personal experience with others and to find community.

  • t-e-c

    May 14, 2023 at 9:11 pm
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Welcome, Valley_System! We’re glad to have you here.

  • darthcat

    May 15, 2023 at 1:33 pm
    Level 6: Adult Frog


    We might be on the younger side of things. We are 17 years old. Will be 18 in about a week?

    We are about less than a year in our system discovery/awareness, the start of 2023.

    At this point we are still un-diagnosed, partly because we live at home with our bio-parents and even though our father is a psychologist and mother majored/minored in Psychology and Sociology, we keep our plurality hidden from them. And, because we need a better therapist or hopefully a specialist. (We also think that we are on the Autistic Spectrum because our parents self-diagnosed us at a young age, though we have no formal diagnosis which surprised our current therapist). Basically, “look for all things under the sun.”

    We are weeks away from graduating high school and college starts in the fall. And, ready to experience dorm life away from our family. (At least our brother finally moved into his apartment).

    We are a jumbled mess of headmates most of the time. And we do not know who is who and what is what. Names are tricky because some of us have names, but we do not know who the names belong to.

    In terms of hobbies and interests: reading, knitting, watching television, painting (sometimes finger painting), stuffed animals (the only hugs we get/like /j), curling, horse back riding (hoping our college has a club that we can join), Dungeons and Dragons (we are a part of a club at our high school). Doctor Who and LOTR. Science fiction and Fantasy.

    Pretty much anything that we can distract ourselves with and get some joy from, within in reason, of course. We also have a special interest in things DID/OSDD related (half the reason why we became aware of our own plurality).

    We hope by doing things like this we can improve communication for us and some fear along the way. And build a sense of community, even if online.

    P.S. If you want a brief synopsis of our life read “The Mordant’s Needs” series by Stephen R. Donaldson, we resonated with the series a lot, and recommend it for reading).\

    P.P.S We have a thing for typing a lot.

  • t-e-c

    May 15, 2023 at 1:58 pm
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Happy almost adulthood! We were diagnosed at 19, but some of us were aware of being a system for a long time before then. We just didn’t know what to call it. Others were shocked. It was a tough time. The main things are to work on safety, stabilization, and communication. We journaled a lot.

    What are you planning to study in college?

    Also, for D&D, do you ever DM? 🙂 We have a lot of people who would like to play here on the cafe, but have a shortage of dungeon masters.

    • darthcat

      May 15, 2023 at 2:06 pm
      Level 6: Adult Frog

      Planning to go into college as undecided, due to multiple interests and also finding out what we actually like. And how we can distinguish ourselves as individuals while still being a system.

      We have DM’d maybe a few times, I do not know.

      If we can use a book fine, but as long as all the NPCs can be autistic.

      Short answer about being a DM: it is a confidence thing, once getting into the motion of things will probably be less nerve-wrecking?

      • t-e-c

        May 15, 2023 at 2:11 pm
        Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Yeah, we never settled on a major. Have about two years of college, but ended up going to work instead of finishing a degree. /shrug It all worked out.

        Maybe once you are more comfortable among friends here we can talk about playing D&D on Zoom sometime. I think it would be fun, I just don’t think t-e-c has the time to sink into planning a campaign.

        Do you ever play Magic: The Gathering?

        • darthcat

          May 15, 2023 at 2:15 pm
          Level 6: Adult Frog

          Have not played Magic: The Gathering.

          Even though our brother asks us a lot to play with him, but by playing with him means spending more time with him, which is not ideal.

  • Kitty_Committee

    May 16, 2023 at 9:54 am
    Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    hi we are new here!

    We are Kitty Commitee. Our body is a disabled and chronically ill mid-thirties female

  • Flusterette

    May 21, 2023 at 8:03 am
    Level 5: Froglet

    Welcome! I’m mid-late 30s and call my 3 cats “Kitty committee” so I really love your name hehe

  • The_Star_Fissure_System

    June 22, 2023 at 8:50 am
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Hi! We’re a newly-diagnosed system (within the last 6 months), though we’ve been self-aware of having DID for almost 2 years. Two of our subsystems had become aware of each others’ existence while we were still in childhood, so thankfully there was already some organization and communication in place when we “officially” became self-aware in a more system-wide way. Body just turned 30, and we recently married our childhood friend, who also has DID.

    Almost all of us love writing novels, and our system tends to cooperate pretty well in order to make this happen. Our main career goal is to become an author, though the passion there is strong enough that we’ll keep at it even if it never pays the bills. Thanks to being married, we can work a part-time retail job in the meantime. Tried full-time for a few years and our PTSD could not handle it.

    Other hobbies depend on who’s fronting. James and most of the people in Marionette’s subsystem are very into cross stitch. And I mean VERY into it. They can rattle off brands and designer names if somebody is looking for a type of design.

    Moira loves knitting, crocheting, and anything to do with wool and yarn. She rescued an antique spinning wheel in near-perfect condition, and has plans to restore it to its former glory.

    Laleh plays video games. Her favorites are metroidvanias, though she has a reputation for picking ones with difficult platforming/combat, getting stuck on a boss mid-game, and never finishing them.

    Lothair loves writing even more than the rest of us. His entire being is kind of centered around it, in as many ways as he has been able to do so. If he was the only one who ever fronted, we would probably be living in some tiny cabin in the woods, overflowing with books and unconnected to the internet. Thankfully, the rest of us also get a say. ????

    Jennifer, Vincent, and Annabelle love to sew. They own four antique sewing machines, two of which are in working order and one of which they apparently plan to restore. They want to make ALL of our clothes and never buy garments from the store. We’ll see how that goes, as so far the only clothes they’ve made so far are headscarves and skirts.

    • t-e-c

      June 22, 2023 at 5:56 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome to the site; make yourself at home. That’s cool that y’all have so many talents!! You could share some of your creations in the #creations channel on Discord or in the Artist Group on the site if you’d like.

  • Greggy

    August 15, 2023 at 12:55 pm
    Level 1: Hatchling Tadpole

    I figured I should do an into, though I am not a system! My name is George, I have many diagnoses with ADHD, ASD, OCD, c-PTSD, anxiety and depression being the main ones. I have two cats, am chronically ill and am an electric wheelchair user! I’m here because I have two partners within the same system, one of which age slides and age regresses and I CG for him as well as two other littles within the system. I know a great deal through years of research fuelled by the desire to be accessible towards all humans on this planet, but am always looking for personal lived experiences of multiplicity; facts are good and all but they don’t accurately portray living life as a multiple, which I need to understand so I can be the best partner I can be for my man’s. I hope that is okay!

    • t-e-c

      August 17, 2023 at 5:15 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Welcome to the site! We <3 our allies, make yourself at home. 🙂

  • TheCrowSystem

    August 30, 2023 at 11:44 am
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Hi everyone!

    I signed up a few months ago, but I haven’t been active in 6+ months, so reintroducing myself.

    Host is in his 30s and dx’d with DID, cPTSD, and ADHD – inattentive subtype. Our DID diagnosis is relatively new (~10 months) so we are still learning about our system. There appear to be 15 distinct parts, with the possibility of fragments.

    We’re really into Lego, comic books, reading (fiction mostly), painting, working out, being outdoors, spirituality, tarot, and watching TV and sports. We just began our first DnD campaign, so that is exciting! We’ve been trying to join one for a while, and we finally found one that is just for trans players.

    Other fun facts: we work in policy, we have a cat, and we have nine tattoos (numbers 10 and 11 coming soon).

  • Phoenix

    September 15, 2023 at 11:02 am
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    I am Phoenix we are a blend of the first born and the first fictive alter who helped me create the other hosts who then helped me to exist in the outside world.

    I have autism, some may consider it severe. I know I write well and people think I am very able when reading my posts. Face-to face people do not get the same impression! I am only comfortable in a very limited set of circumstances as ‘myself’.

    I have many hosts who communicate on my behalf in the outside world but I wanted one place where I could communicate as myself always only me…other hosts will not type on here. They have their own spaces, this is mine!

    My hosts have lived much of my life for me I learned everything indirectly ‘through’ them especially anything dealing with other people so my social skills are not as advanced as theirs. Though illness and age I now have a calmer life one thats easier for me to remain present for more of the time. Many ex-hosts are now dormant or have disappeared.

    I am left trying trying to work out who ‘me’ really is after all those years ‘inside’.

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