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Dissociative.Wiki 2.0

Before there was the, there was the While Wikipedia works for basic facts, we wanted a free repository of information written by dissociative folk for dissociative folk. A prime example of the type of content we wanted to see is the DID/OSDD Survival Guide that @braidid and I collaborated on.

T-E-C has been busy with work and health issues, though, and we haven’t had much time to edit wiki content. Last November, we contracted braidid as the official wiki editor and author. They’ve done an AWESOME job, and we can’t thank them enough. Unfortunately, our financial situation isn’t as certain these days, and we can’t afford to re-up the contract when it expires next month.

That doesn’t mean we’re mad at braidid – if we won the lottery tomorrow, we’d hire them for life.  😉  We hope that they’ll still contribute when they have something they want to talk about.

We will be taking the wiki editor mantle back. If you’d like to help write, edit, or research for the wiki, it would be appreciated. We can’t pay you, but we’re trying to build something for the community. Contact Us if interested.

As for building that something, we’re also changing our plans a little. The website has been looked at as a rough draft of content for the cafe’s knowledge base, but honestly, not enough made it into the knowledge base, and keeping things in sync was a pain. We’re therefore killing the KB and moving to “Dissociative.Wiki 2.0”.  

Wiki 2.0 will be part of the cafe, not a separate site. It will be the only draft, rough or final, of the content. Initially, it will be editable just by specific volunteers, but once we have the bugs worked out, it will probably be editable by any registered cafe member.

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The Electric Circus (t-e-c) is a dissociative system first diagnosed with DID in 1994. View their profile here.


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