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Happy July 4th?

Today is fireworks day here in the US. Can’t say we’re a fan. Which means tonight is loud movie/music night! Speaking of loud music, we went kind of manic last week and ordered new speakers. (We go on shopping sprees when manic.) They won’t be here until next week some time. We’ve managed to go back into credit card debt, but guess it was a smoking deal… it’ll just take a few months to pay off. So no new toys for awhile. 😉 They are awesome high-end speakers though. 😀

We had friends over July 2nd and July 3rd, including their 1.75 year old daughter. We’ve been really nervous about that, as we can feel really weird around kids. Part of the problem is our littles wanting to play. Another part is realizing how innocent little children are, and that how totally fucked up it is to be abused.

We still have one guest who is staying with us until early Saturday morning. Also a little nervous about that, because it means we’ll probably mask all week, but… /shrug. It’s good to have some human interaction.

Hope this blog entry finds all of you well. Didn’t have much to say, but it’s been like a month since the last entry, so HI! 🙂 We’ll return to the site after recovering from all the visits. Until then, be excellent to yourselves and each other.


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