We reached 250 site members while I wasn’t looking. We have regular bloggers, an active Discord and things are steadily growing at a healthy pace. Not too fast, not too slow. Life in the .cafe is good, let’s celebrate!
Some pruning was needed, however. The forums and social groups never really took off – too old fashioned, perhaps. Yes, there was some traffic, but in general things would be quiet for months at a time there. So, they’ve been disabled for now. If there is a demand, they’ll resurface at some point.
I’d like to thank everyone who makes the cafe what it is. You are all important parts of this community. I would especially like to thank our wiki editors and bloggers for your contributions to the site. What started as a personal blog is developing into something beyond what I ever expected. I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2024 will bring.
Woah…250?! That’s awesome!!!
Thank YOU for having the creative spark to set this site into motion! Without you, this wouldn’t be here at ALL!