Category - Treatment
Getting professional help.
There are many types of therapy, and therapists are often trained in several different approaches. You may try a combination of these approaches...
This was originally posted on our forums in response to a thread about finding therapists. The author was anonymous, but given their experience...
Not every therapist will be the right one for you. Especially in today's therapy environment, it can be hard to think about leaving a therapist once you have...
When deciding whether or not to check yourself into a hospital, it's important to weigh the pros and cons for yourself. Of course, these will...
Medication is not the answer for everyone. However, if you are someone who finds that medication helps you, please don't...
Self-diagnosis is not something we recommend. Only a licensed professional can diagnose you with a medical condition or disorder. However...
Fusion as the sole goal of therapy for dissociative identity disorder is very outdated in our current understanding of the disorder. For a very long time...